I find the structure of the chapter really quite interesting, with the author going on this quest to discover why people are so inclined to write fiction, all the while explaining many different aspects of fiction in general, but also delving into the beginnings of fiction, and giving ideas for how to start a piece and how to work through issues. I also enjoy the way that the author puts their own unique voice into a mostly informative and instructional piece of writing. The structure of this book so far is what I find most interesting about it. I have heard a fair few of the ideas expressed in this chapter once or twice before, but the way that metaphors, other works of writing, and a vast amount of experience in the field are incorporated into the text makes it engaging and brings a new light or a peculiar angle to already learned knowledge. It was also rather intriguing to see writing and reflection exercises woven into the information. I could not help but try them out as I read, and found that these short and simple activities to bring a flood of new ideas to me, and I did not have to worry about scrambling to write them down, because they were already recorded for the practice.  Based on content, however, my favorite piece of this is the subsection titled SEE THE SEEDS. Some of the ideas that were presented in this section are things that I had never thought about before, such as needing to call tech support for computer help or, as it is called in the text “telephone hell.” While I have always been told to write from moments in my life, no one has ever mentioned combing through a newspaper, or even looking at the more miniscule events in my day to day activities.

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